Back to the Womb®™ Book

Cissy Capers

Author:   BACK TO THE WOMB – The Goddess in the Gospel of John

Cissy Capers is a writer, philosopher and historian. Besides a life-long quest for the historical Jesus, her hobbies include reading, hiking, and studying the Classics. She graduated Phi Kappa Phi from the University of Nevada, and is currently looking forward to completing her Doctorate degree in Religious Studies. 

Back to the Womb is her first published book on this subject matter.  A thought provoking topic that has taken a lifetime to research, document and publish.  Those seeking to know the truth will realize the Goddess is Real.  The Goddess is Alive!    

Cissy considers herself an eternal spiritual seeker and delights in living in the mountains of the western United States. 

Back to the Womb®™